Blog 2017-08-24 1,630 0
There are many places where the car can rust easily, such as the surface of the plate, the engine shield, the brake disc, the exhaust pipe, etc.
Most of this is caused by improper car use or “lazy” of our car owners. The so-called “lazy” mainly refers to the little maintenance of the car, and rarely maintenance of the exterior of the car, such as car washing, waxing, etc. The tail of the exhaust pipe is often stagnant, not cleaned.
1. Always check the paint
Check can find problems as early as possible, are the benefits of small traces of rust if pay less attention to the rest, the greater we found a damaged paint, can be used to repair paint pen or De-Rust Lubricating Spray, simple processing, to prevent rust in bigger.
2. The chassis should be considered for the chassis armor
The more expensive cars are generally made to be rust resistant when they go out of the factory, and for vehicles that do not have a chassis to deal with, you can consider using chassis armor. Chassis armor can reduce the damage to the chassis of the pavement to a certain extent and the damage to the bottom of the chassis. More importantly, it can prevent the chassis from rusting prematurely.
3. Humid environment
Cars are often in a humid environment, and they are more cautious about anti-rust treatment. In the same way, the aging of electrical insulation should also be prevented.
4. Anti-rust of the braking system
Note the rusting problem of the brake disc, the friction portion of the rust can be rubbed off when the brake is on; The part of the brake disc that does not participate in friction can be rusted with self-spray paint or hard film anti-rust oil.
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